About Us


We are an investment and project management company (Dubai, UAE). A management company for a number of investment funds focused on conscious development projects in Africa.

We create sustainable project management and financing processes across Africa.
We respect traditional, proven business approaches and are open to innovation.
We are focused on projects that pay attention to reducing the negative impact of production on the environment, creating new jobs; projects that promote education and improve public health and promote safe and responsible waste disposal practices.

Through collaboration with local communities, businesses and governments, we are building a clean, green and prosperous Africa together!

Our Mission & Target

ADG's mission is to create sustainable systems of conscious entrepreneurship across Africa.

Our Vision

The future lies in partnerships at all levels.

Our Benefits

• Many years of experience in supporting the implementation of innovative and traditional proven technologies; • Assistance in the implementation of educational programs; • Raising community awareness of the opportunities for everyone to participate in the development process of African countries.

We provide detailed recommendations on project development and partnership opportunities.